Stage and Screen

B Sharp Entertainment

Your Portal for all your Theatre and Music News

Chris Avant-Smith, Bronwen Hirshowitz and Louw Mulder

Similar to Stage and Screen, are the guys and girls from B Sharp Entertainment.  We are friends, not competition, and a second opinion when it comes to reviews and opinions, are always a better option.

Editor and Main Contributor of B Sharp Entertainment, is the beautiful Bronwen Hirshowitz, with a passion for theatre.  It is because of this love, that she has developed this site, so that she can give all theatre lovers a place to find news, information and reviews and interviews of current theatre and music productions.

Seeing that Stage and Screen is older than B Sharp Entertainment, we support each other in the cause of supporting our Arts, Theatre and Performing industry.

We, at Stage and Screen, do think that it is a little unfair that B Sharp Entertainment has more followers on Twitter and Facebook….  Hehehe

To all our friends at B Sharp Entertainment, and especially Bronwen who occasionally edits some of Stage and Screen’s copies, thank you for the friendship, and lets grow from strength to strength.

Click here to visit b sharp Entertainment