Not everyone you lose is a loss!
Along with Tobie Cronjé, Karel se Oupa, stars Esmeralda Bihl, Neels Clasen, Ruben Lombard and Ian Roelofs. The enigmatic production is directed by André Ondendaal.
Karel se Oupa will take audiences through a journey of grief, love and family bonds tested to its fullest as the audience encounters three generations of men all named Karel. In this compelling drama Tobie Cronjé is a grandfather whose role will tug at the heart-strings of the audience as the family drama unfolds.
“We are celebrating Retief as a new voice and we are also marveling that we have Tobiè Cronje for the first time at the Market Theatre,” says an excited James Ngcobo, the Artistic Director of the Market Theatre.
“This is yet again a continuum of our commitment to find new plays and emerging voices. Retief is making a mark as a playwright. He excites us a lot. The Market Theatre wants to celebrate the rise of this brave playwright”, he added.
Karel se Oupa, a riveting Afrikaans production premiering at the Market Theatre and presented in association with Kosie Smit, can be seen from Wednesday 14 June to Sunday 2 July 2017. The season is supported by the Market Theatre’s commitment broaden the diversity of audiences and languages in which productions are presented at the iconic institution.
There couldn’t be a better way to achieve this goal than by premiering Karel se Oupa featuring celebrated actor Tobiè Cronje in a riveting work by directed by André Odendaal who already has built a strong following with his previous productions at the Market Theatre.
The show will run at the Market Theatre from 9 June to 2 July, at the Barney Simon.