Stage and Screen

RADA Inspire for May: Keep Calm and say No to Bullying

Bullying is a worldwide problem that affects more than just the youth.

Two months into the RADA Inspire campaign and the team at RADA are already spreading their web of influence, initiating positive change across the South African community.

The RADA Inspire campaign was launched at the beginning of March to inspire the nation through a simple shift in perspective. The aim: to encourage the citizens of South Africa to inspire both themselves and others by marrying action with awareness, and making a difference in people’s lives one day at a time.

The non-profit has already tackled various controversial issues, beginning with taxi road rage and driver awareness in March, and then changing people’s attitudes to those that work in the service industry in April. Both highlighted the various daily struggles and concerns of the ‘other person’, striving to create a better understanding and empathy for those that share our communal spaces.

The campaign itself is based on the premise that one person can make a difference, and that when you change yourself, your energy resonates, creating a ripple effect of positive change. You don’t have to be exceptional. You don’t have to exert yourself beyond your means. In the end, all it takes is to do one small thing differently, empowering others with the belief that they may do the same.

In May 2018, RADA will shift their focus to another familiar yet promiment societal issue: BULLYING.

Bullying can be defined as any intention to hurt another person, whether physically, emotionally or psychologically. Research shows that at least 66% of children will be involved in bullying at some point in their life, which can lead to depression, low self-esteem and even suicide.

But there is no doubt that bullying is a worldwide problem that affects more than just the youth. Bullying is all around us, in schools, colleges, universities, the workplace and even online. At RADA, we believe in taking a holistic approach to healing, looking at the problem from both sides.

So without passing the blame or judgement, RADA acknowledges that those who hurt could very well be in pain themselves. Most bullies try to make themselves feel important because they are trying to fulfil needs that are not being met. Bullies are seeking attention – a need that all too often goes ignored – so they make themselves feel better by making someone else feel worse.

At RADA, we promote self-responsibility and self-awareness, an important attribute that can redefine the way we treat others. Respect, tolerance and understanding of others is critical in creating a safe and peaceful environment for all.

Over the course of bullying month, RADA will initiate various public activations, highlighting concerns around violent and aggressive behaviour towards others in whichever environment you may find yourself in, stimulating conversation among peers and colleagues and encouraging people to seek out the root of the problem.

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