3rd Album for SA’s most Promising Classical Composers. Friday, 2 August, saw the release of a brand new album by Caroline Leisegang, one of the youngest classical composers in South African history and winner of the iTunes ‘Best of 2015’ Award for Best Classical Album. Her third official offering, My Body of Preludes, comes after the release of her debut album Øyeblikk in 2015, and ...
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Feed SubscriptionGeraldine Scholtz: Mis
Moenie Sommer haar tweede enkelsnit Mis nie! Geraldine Scholtz het geen bekendstelling meer nodig nie. Haar eerste enkelsnit, Sommer, ’n popliedjie uit die pen van Johan Oberholzer, is gedurende Augustus 2017 uitgereik en het vir meer as sewe maande bo-aan die trefferperades van talle radiostasies landswyd gepryk. Die musiekvideo vir hierdie liedjie was ook vir byna 7 weke op die kykNET Top20 se ...
Read More »Ruby Rouge: Gaining Perspective
A Ruby is Gem. In more ways than One… Ruby Rouge is een van daardie kunstenaars wat jou beïndruk wanneer jy haar vir die eerste keer hoor sing. Daar is ’n hartroerende opregtheid en meesleurende melodie in haar stem wat jou aangryp en by jou bly lank nadat sy klaar gesing het. Dit is dan ook hierdie eienskappe wat die eerste enkelsnitvrystelling vanaf haar debuut-album so onvergeetlik ...
Read More »CrashCarBurn: Headlights
New Album with 12 New Tracks It has been years since fans last saw an official body of work released by CrashCarBurn. The day has finally arrived for the band to release their 4th studio album, entitled Headlights. In a music industry obsessed with producing back-to-back singles, CrashCarBurn chose to take their time and release a full-length record – a defining choice from a group of musicians that ...
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