Legendary Radio Host joins the Panto! Executive Producer Bernard Jay is thrilled to announce the signing of legendary talk radio host, John Robbie, to play the role of Major Dumb-Ou of the Royal Palace of Cool Cornucopia in Janice Honeyman’s 2018 pantomime Snow White on The Mandela Stage at Joburg Theatre from November 3rd – December 23rd. Rugby player John Robbie won nine caps for Ireland and, with the ...
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Feed SubscriptionGone too Soon
Lost Music Legends come alive through their Greatest Hits. The CoLab Network is proud to announce the next exciting show being produced under its banner! Gone Too Soon will be on stage at The Lyric at Gold Reef City for two shows only on Saturday 20 October at 20h00 and Sunday 21 October at 14h00. Gone Too Soon is a fabulous tribute to the music legends we all loved, who died way before their time, ...
Read More »Matilda
Matilda is coming to Enchant Joburg and Cape Town. Roald Dahl’s Matilda The Musical will begin its run from 17 October 2018 at the TEATRO at Montecasino before moving to Cape Town. This Royal Shakespeare Company production a proud collaboration between Pieter Toerien’s Production, and GWB Entertainment. Pieter Toerien and GWB Entertainment are delighted to announce the casting of the eagerly anticipated Matilda, The Musical. The ...
Read More »Bolhuis
Bolhuis: Onder die vergrootglas. Spesialis-ondersoeker Mike Bolhuis, die man wat wetsoortreders se broeke laat bewe, is vanaf Oktober op kykNET in die misdaadsreeks, Bolhuis, te sien. Mike, wat beskou word as een van Suid-Afrika se top ondersoekers, was al betrokke by van die land se grootste moord- en bedrogsake. In dié reeks delf ons dieper in van die sake wat al op sy lessenaar beland ...
Read More »Rocco de Villiers: kortbroek, langkouse
Kamera’s, Kortbroek en Kouse, Rocco! Die eerste musiekvideo vanaf Rocco de Villiers se nuutste album, kortbroek, langkouse, is pas vrygestel en het reeds soos ’n veldbrand onder aanhangers versprei. Die produksie is behartig deur Gerhard van Rooyen en sy produksiespan en is geskiet by Safari Tuinsentrum in Lynnwoodweg, Pretoria. Gerhard vertel dat die konsep gebaseer is daarop dat ons onsself in die daaglikse lewe van ’n ...
Read More »Spoorloos
Nuwe kykNet drama maak nuwe Spore op Dinsdae. kykNET-kykers weet teen hierdie tyd dat die drama-gleuf op ’n Dinsdagaand nooit teleurstel nie en met die nuwe reeks, Spoorloos, wat op 9 Oktober begin, gaan dit ook nie anders wees nie. Die storie speel af in die dorpie Digtersdal in die Oos-Kaap. Dis ’n spookdorp op soek na genesing en herlewing, maar ná dertien jaar se onopgelosde ...
Read More »Taye Brink: Wat As
Taye Brink impresses with first single! The upbeat, catchy tune and cheerful lyrics of Taye Brink’s new song, Wat As, promises to be a firm favourite at parties and on the dance floor. This single was just released and is already making its way up the iTunes charts. Wat As was written by Adam’s Hugo Ludik and is about two people who get together, but do not know ...
Read More »The Nutcracker
A sparkling treat for the whole family with Joburg Ballet. Joburg Ballet brings to sparkling life one of the most popular and beloved classical ballets in the world with an enchanting new production of The Nutcracker from 5 to 14 October at Joburg Theatre. With exquisite dancing, sumptuous sets and Tchaikovsky’s captivating music played live by the Johannesburg Philharmonic Orchestra, The Nutcracker is an unforgettable treat for children and adults ...
Read More »Coloured Comedy: 8 Ou Pot8 Ou
Proudly Coloured Comedy celebrates 8th year of top notch side-splitting laughs Celebrating 8 years of bringing you top notch side-splitting laughs, with newcomers alongside seasoned comedians, Proudly Coloured Comedy returns for its 8th year with its unique brand of proudly and unapologetic comedy from a uniquely coloured perspective on the 7thOctober at the Lyric Theatre, Gold Reef City! A must see for a look into the hilarious ...
Read More »Josh Fonseca: Falling
15-year-old Josh Fonseca releases Falling as his debut single. Josh Fonseca is just getting started, but what a start it is with the powerful Pop track Falling, which was recorded with acclaimed SA muso, Mark Belling. Merely 15 years old and unlike most young artists, who start at an incredibly young age, Josh only started showing an interest in singing at the age of 12. ...
Read More »Vet Kans
Vat ‘n Vet Kans om gewig te Verloor. Of dit is omdat jy mooi wil lyk in jou trourok op jou groot dag, saam met jou kinders bal wil rondskop sonder om uit asem te raak, ’n goeie rolmodel vir hulle wil wees of bloot omdat jou gewig jou selfvertroue knou, bykans almal wil graag gewig verloor, maak nie saak of dit 5 kg of ...
Read More »Mari Bosman: As Vrou
Mari Bosman vier vrouwees met nuwe enkelsnit. Mari Bosman het pas haar nuwe enkelsnit, As Vrou, ter viering van Vrouemaand-en dag vrygestel. En nes haar siening van vrouwees, gaan die liedjie liefde en omgee in sy verskillende vorme uitstraal… Mari wou graag iets daar buite sit ter vieringe van onlangse Vrouedag wat in Suid Afrika gevier is, vir ons vroulike rolmodelle. Sy wil ook met ...
Read More »In Ons Skoene
Beleef ‘n aand van musiek en stories waarmee ons twee al lank loop… Elkeen het bagasie, uitgetrapte skoene en ‘n padkaart na hoop… In Ons Skoene is eksklusief, uniek en slegs vir ‘n beperkte aantal optredes beskikbaar – Bobby & Karlien van Jaarsveld sing hulle treffers, gunsteling liedjies en vertel meer van hulle lewens. Hierdie 90 minute produksie met ‘n 5-stuk orkes, sal jou op ...
Read More »Timothy Bowles: Love
From Desert to Dreams… It is a very rare occasion where an artist will appear, seemingly out of nowhere, who speaks right into your soul, with a voice and message that will cut through the noise of everyday life and demand your attention and heart. Timothy’s tapping of the musical world has lead him from his small town cassette recordings to a big city studio ...
Read More »Just be Yourself
New Piano Play by Rocco de Villiers 2018 is Rocco’s year of the emerald! In 2018 popular pianist Rocco de Villiers celebrates 20 years of blood, sweat, tears and survival as a piano player in South Africa. The 20thanniversary gemstone is the emerald. As part of his celebration Rocco will be wearing green for the entire year. In 1998 he released his first solo instrumental album, Screen ...
Read More »Sky Ocean: Blackholes in my Head
Sky Ocean releases soulful new ballad, Blackholes in my Head Sky Ocean has one of those voices that stops you in your tracks when you hear her sing for the first time. There is a striking sincerity and soothing sound to her voice that invites you to get lost in her soulful music. It is these characteristics that make her third single, Blackholes in my ...
Read More »Tiaan Onthou
Van Ouma se skate, tot op die Kassie. Op 1 Oktober begin Tiaan Onthou waarin Tiaan Langenegger die land deurkruis op soek na oumas se geheime in die kombuis. Sy grootste vrees, sê hy, is dat ons gaan vergeet hoe om werklik te kook. Volgens Tiaan, is dit deesdae net te maklik om klaargemaakte kos te koop of self disse te maak wat jy net in die ...
Read More »Hugo Nieuwoudt: Net soos die Sneeu
Sneeu kom tog hierdie Lente Val. “Net soos die sneeu weer op die berge sal lê, is my verwagting dat jy my sal sê; sien ons weermôre, sien ons dan weer, en dit isal wat ek vandag in hierdie hart begeer…” weergalm die treffende lirieke van Hugo Nieuwoudt se nuwe enkelsnit, Net Soos Die Sneeu, wat pas vrygestel is. Net Soos Die Sneeu handel oor ...
Read More »Arendsvlei
kykNET & kie bring Telenovela soos nog nooit tevore. kykNET & kie bring vanaf 1 Oktober die eerste splinternuwe telenovela, Arendsvlei, wat drie dae ’n week van Maandag tot Woensdag te sien sal wees. Arendsvlei is ’n fiktiewe dorp in die noordelike voorstede van Kaapstad. Hoërskool Arendsvlei, is ’n onafhanklike skool en vorm die middelpunt van alles. Die skoolhoof Beatrice, vertolk deur Jolene Martin, het die skool ...
Read More »Jann Klose: Take Me 2 Forever
Take me to Forever in Tandem. Jann Klose celebrates her new milestone Take Me 2 Forever reaching almost 50,000 streams on Apple Music, with the release of the music video for the track. Take Me 2 Forever is the first single from Klose’s brand new album In Tandem which was released through Gallo Record Company at the end of May. The wait is finally over ...
Read More »Kanarie
Christiaan Olwagen se Kanarie maak opspraak in VSA. Christiaan Olwagen se nuutste vollengte film, Kanarie, is met ‘n staande ovasie ontvang by die Outfest in Los Angeles, VSA, toe dit onlangs daar vertoon is. Die film, wat op 29 Mei sy wêreld-debuut in Toronto gehad het, is gebasseer op ware gebeure en speel af in 1985, Suid-Afrika. Die film het aandag getrek by verskeie merkwaardige ...
Read More »Saarkie: Lang Pad
Girl Rockband stel nuwe musiekvideo vir enkelsnit Langpad bekend! Girlband Saarkie verklap dat hul nuwe musiekvideo gaan oor die tyd wat verbystap, terwyl hulle aanhou musiek maak. Tyd gaan verby, klerestyle verander, maar die son sak altyd en kom weer op. As rockgroep, staan die trio ook soos tyd nie stil nie, maar bou hulle elke dag verder aan hul plek in die Suid-Afrikaanse musiekbedryf. Die ...
Read More »Die Recce
Nuwe Oorlogfliek Belowe om ‘n Unieke Suid-Afrikaanse Rolprentervaring te Wees! As ‘n land wat persoonlike films vervaardig wat nie net tot die kollektiewe bewustheid van sy mense spreek nie, het Suid-Afrika oor die laaste jaar of twee ‘n paar spronge vooruit geneem. Die volgende rolprent wat gaan bewys dat ons begin het om die rolprentkuns as ‘n artistieke medium te verken, en nie net as ...
Read More »Review: Tap Dogs
High-Adrenaline, Full-Voltage Tap Tour kicks off in SA! by Louw Mulder After kicking myself in 2013 for only seeing the show once, I was delighted to have learnt that Dein Perry’s Tap Dogs would return to South Africa this year, to showcase the very best in Tap at Montecasino’s Teatro as well as a limited run in Cape Town. This week, I had the privilege ...
Read More »Recuerdos
Strings of Soul From Sasolburg to Jozi. Conceived on the magnificent stage of Sasolburg’s Etienne Rousseau Theatre, nurtured, developed and delivered in sold-out performances at Cape Town’s Theatre on the Bay, Recuerdos, is coming to Johannesburg. This unique showcase featurs internationally acclaimed guitarist James Grace with dancers from Carli Spanish Dance Production is coming to Pieter Toerien’s Theatre at Montecasino from 26 – 30 September. With stunning underwater ...
Read More »Jeri Silverman: I Wonder
Jeri’s emotionally captivating music video released. Who are we in essence when we allow ourselves to truly be? What emerges from the stillness? These are the questions that South African born folk singer, Jeri Silverman’s, new video and single poses. After swapping seascapes for skyscrapers, Silverman returned to SA from New York to launch her new album Dear Life. Her new video for I Wonder, ...
Read More »Riaad Moosa and Friends
Celebrate our Heritage with a Laugh or 10! Get your prescription of laughter with Riaad Moosa & Friends over Heritage weekend this September at Emperors Palace. The prognosis is in! ‘Laughter is the best medicine’ and Dr Riaad Moosa is insisting that it is your best course of medication! Research has shown that laughter is good for your health; it relaxes the whole body; boosts ...
Read More »Wonderboom: Praying Mantis
New Video for Guns ‘n Roses Opening Act! WONDERboom just released their brand new music video for their single Praying Mantis! WONDERboom was formed in 1996 and consists of Cito, Martin Schofield and Wade Williams, founding members who have been writing songs and performing together for over 22 years, and Jonathan Bell, who joined them after the death of their friend and drummer, Garth McLeod, ...
Read More »Born to Perform Worldwide: Shine
Experience the Stars of Tomorrow on the Stage Today. Building on the success of their sell-out concerts in 2015 and 2016 and celebrating their 4th year, Born To Perform Worldwide now brings Jozi audiences their dynamic new production Shine! Having seen the first Born To Perform Gala Concerts and recognizing the potential and vision of Gemma and Matthew Marinus, Maestro Extraordinaire Bryan Schimmel has joined forces with them as co-creator and director for this ...
Read More »Joe Foster: Volgende Stap
Foster gee die volgende tree.. Drie jaar nadat sanger en liedjieskrywer Joe Foster die reuse suksesvolle Ghoema Pop Album Van die Jaar vir Hartklank vrygestel het, doen hy dit weer. Hy vat so waar die volgende stap met hierdie nuwe album. Alhoewel hy talle liedjies en projekte vrygestel het tussen die twee albums, het hy gevoel dat nou die regte tyd is om weer ’n ...
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