Based on the hilarious 1967 film, Mel Brooks’ The Producers is a laugh out-loud, outrageous, crowd-pleasing musical-comedy that has been a smash hit since its 2001 debut (which featured Nathan Lane as Max and Matthew Broderick as Leo)
Fading Broadway producer Max Bialystok (played by Alan Committie) is desperate to get to the top of his profession again, and finds an unlikely ally in mousy accountant Leo Bloom (Richard White), who predicts that one could make far more money with a flop of a show than with a hit. Together, the two set out to produce the worst musical ever to hit Broadway. Unfortunately for them, their show is a huge hit! With no shortage of show-stopping musical numbers, and Brooks’ signature humor keeping audiences in stitches, The Producers is definitely far from a flop.
Wed – Fri @ 8pm, Sat @ 4pm & 8pm, Sun @ 2:30pm & 6pm
Tickets: R120, R180, R280, R380
Bookings @ Theatre Box Office (011) 511 1818 and at Computicket